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Migrate Into RocketMatter

Universal Migrator accelerates and automates migrating into RocketMatter.

All these Apps migrate to RockteMatter

We add new systems all the time.  Need a different one?  Contact Us.

What migrates into RocketMatter?

Universal Migrator transfers all the following data and more.

Firm Data



Contact Notes
Contact Trust Account Balances

Billing / AR

Contact Trust Account Balances
Matter Trust Account Balances
Time Entries (Billed)
Time Entries (Unbilled)
Expense Entries (Billed)
Expense Entries (Unbilled)
Flat Fees (Billed)
Flat Fees (Unbilled)
Rate Classes <=> Matter Relationships



Tasks & To-Dos

Task Entries

Custom Fields

Custom Field Definitions


Practice Areas
Matter Notes
Matter Trust Account Balances
Matters <=> Originating User Relationships
Matters <=> Participating Contact Relationships



Calendar & Events

Calendar Entries

Need More?

More Available on Request

What Should I Expect When Migrating?

Have more questions?  Get in-depth answers from a member of our team.

Migrate like MedTech.

Migrate like MedTech.

Have you ever wondered how competing hospital systems running different software applications seamlessly transfer millions of complex medical records every single day?
Universal Migrator uses the same approach to facilitate seamless data migrations for law firms.

Zero Downtime.

Zero Downtime.

Universal Migrator facilitates seamless migrations. You will never be unable to work and will always have access to all your data through the migration experience.

No Mistakes - No Human Error - Ever.

No Mistakes - No Human Error - Ever.

Universal Migrator uses a "playbook" to facilitate seamless migrations.
This means computers follow the exact same steps every single time.

Zero Headaches.

Zero Headaches.

Universal Migrator has helped thousands of firms transition between platforms.
Our battle-tested experience guarantees a pain-free experience.

Universal Migrator transfers Big & Small Firms

Universal Migrator handles projects of all sizes.

4 Staff

100+ Staff

7 Locations

14 Locations

800,000+ Documents

300,000 Documents

10,000,000+ Documents

4 Locations

8 Staff

100+ Staff

2 Locations

1000+ Attorneys